My horse fractured his knee and was misdiagnosed

If you have been following this blog, then you recall that, on February 13th, my 27 year old Paint colicked with a strangulated lipoma and needed emergency surgery. While he was at Tufts Veterinary Hospital for Large Animals, He was scoped and discovered to have ulcers. Upon returning home (9 days later, on Feb. 22nd), he was doing well. I had him on his ulcer meds for a month. I had to cordon off a portion of his paddock so he could still go outside and be with his friends. After the first month, I opened up his paddock to about 24 feet by 30 feet. This was to stay for another month. However, on March 8th, only 3 weeks out of surgery, I brought him in and a friend who boards at the same barn noticed that Kobeejo's right knee was swollen. I had not noticed, as he was not limping nor favoring the leg. He also had a bit of a fever. I called my vet, who came out to check. He spent more time checking his intestines and doing an ultra-sound on his gut. Nothing was wrong there. He deduc...