Ten Tips to Stay Safe at the barn: Covid-19 and Horses

At this point in time, transmission of the Coronavirus between humans and horses is not a worry. Those of us caring for our own horses at barns with other people should, however, practice utmost caution; not over infecting our horses, but to think about the tools we use in cleaning stalls, feeding, sweeping, etc. I have all my own tools; muckrake, broom, leaf rake (for cleaning paddock), lunge whip, and all of my horse's grooming tools, etc. However, it is not unusual for people caring for horses to share tools. Even at full board only facilities that have closed to the public and to boarders, thought needs to be taken to keep yourself and others safe. Thus, I have come up with a list of precautions we should all be taking within the barn to help prevent the spread of viruses. Use only your own tools and don't share, at least for now. If you have been using the barn's muckrake, for instance, to clean stalls, and others use it as well, use sanitizing wipes or spray (i...