This may save your horse's life someday
I've done a lot of thinking and research on many topics since my 27-year-old Paint, Kobeejo, underwent colic surgery for a strangulating lipoma last month. Mostly, I have gotten deeper into my already existing research on the horse's most unique digestive tract. The very first thing I wanted to fully look into was the ulcers the hospital discovered my horse had. Every veterinarian and nutritionist, even at Tufts, insisted the way to prevent ulcers was to feed 24/7 free-choice hay/forage, always provide fresh clean water and make sure your horse gets plenty of movement (living outside with a shelter being ideal). I had always learned that, if a horse has this, plus the companionship of other horses even nearby (and no excessive medications such as Bute), they would be good to go. My horse always had all of this! So, why did he develop such severe ulcers? As it turns out, studies show that horses in stressful situations, such as moving to a new barn, being taken away from the...