Just Because it's Greener, Doesn't Make it Grass!

photo copyright Christine Church all rights reserved Grass! That green stuff (or brown, depending on the weather) everyone associates horses eating. Let me give you a scenario; You look out at your green one-acre field and see your three horses out there, heads down, picking at the grass. You wonder, however, why they have lost a bit of weight in recent weeks. After all, they have grass, right? It's all green out there and some looks pretty tall. I can tell you right now, your pastures are overgrazed! You NEED to start supplementing with hay right now! photo copyright Horse Journals I can't tell you how many times I have heard people say, "I don't need to throw hay out there. He/she has grass!" Ugh. 😧🙄 Upon easy inspection, however, it is plain as day that the "grass" is mostly weeds that horses don't eat and the edible parts of the paddock or pasture were eaten to a nub (see photo above). Don't forget, horses on their ow...