Hay! Don't Starve Your Horse!

In the many years I have been heavily involved in the horse world, I have noticed a very disturbing trend. Most horse owners simply do not feed their horses properly! And I have to say, at least here in the northeast, a good 80% or more are guilty. Most people look at their horse and see that their weight looks good and think they are feeding properly, but on the INSIDE something else entirely might be going on... Just because your horse looks good on the outside doesn't mean he is eating properly. What a Horse Is!! Or, rather, how a horse's digestive system works. Your horse is a non-ruminant herbivore. Non-ruminant means the horse does not have a multi-compartmental tummy, like cows. As a matter of fact, a horse's stomach is very small in contrast to their body size and the whole of their digestive tract. They are also herbivores, as all horse owners (better) know! This means they do not eat meat! Or dairy! Or anything animal-based. Are they Vegan? Not exactly. T...