Honesty is Best with Your Horse

My horse, best friend and soulmate, Kobeejo... and me (hint: He's the good-looking one) Are you doing everything for your horse that he/she requires as a horse? It's time for the complete truth and honesty with yourself. You will say "yes, I am," but are you reeeeally? Well, welcome to "Stop Killing Your Horse," the HONEST blog about the proper care of horses in a modern and sometimes far too domesticated world. You're probably asking yourself, "Who's this chick that thinks she can tell me how to care for my horse?" Good question. Instead of spewing off a bunch of dry text about all my years in showing, every ribbon I've received, all my qualifications working here there and everywhere, horses I've worked with, let me just say... I'm nobody, really. What I am is a woman who was born with a huge passion and natural affinity for the care and love of horses. "Who isn't?" Right? Some of you will run away w...